Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Divided by Structure"
Watercolor, Ink, Gouache on Watercolor paper
By: Andy Christopoulos

DIVISION LINE: Man and Ideology 

When division lines in political ideology meet it tends to fuel intense emotions, mostly bringing out the worst in us, why? Mankind has used war, intimidation, spying, thought control, censorship, and all sorts of compassionless and self-righteous acts to keep control of an ideology. Even as time passes and we evolve mentally, technologically, and our awareness that we are all here on the same tiny planet that we all have to share, we still divide. This is probably one of the most fierce Division Lines I've explored in the world, that of Man vs. Ideologies. Mankind needs to open up to compassion, understanding, and compromise...instead of living and clinging onto archaic ideas that lead to hate. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Pulling Away from Nature"
Acrylic and Ink on Canvas
By: Andy Christopoulos and Tony Valenti 

DIVISION LINE: Techno vs Nature

What happens to us when our technology pulls us away from our natural order? Do we become blinded to our natural surroundings as we move from computer screen to our many digital devices? This painting explores the division line of the techno-lifestyle when it meets the line of nature. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

"Toxic Survival"
Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor paper
By: Andy Christopoulos


Here is another painting representing the division line where mankind's mentality towards nature meets the line of nature.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Survival or Greed?"
Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor paper
By:Andy Christopoulos


For the greater part of modern and contemporary human society, mankind has viewed itself as a being above all other elements and creatures that mankind shares the earth with.  This mentality has led mankind to believe it holds authority over nature allowing mankind to exploit all aspects of nature at any cost. 

Nature on the other hand has no such thought or greedy intention to control or dominate mankind. It is just a fabric of forces interacting with one-another to maintain it's balance and survival. 

This is what I see when the two lines meet. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

ANDY CHRISTO ART: Division Lines 

The Studio

Exploring how we as a human race divide ourselves through the act of drawing lines, lines which I have termed.....DIVISION LINES.  

Division Lines exist everywhere in the world around us from literal city to country division lines to division lines embedded so deep into the fabric of our society which cause us to divide based on purchased consumer goods. 

Within my work I attempt to capture, through color and form, the explosive and chaotic emotions and events that take place at the meeting of these lines. I hope that by exploring and exposing these division lines, that it will help us question why we draw lines? are they harmful or useful? I leave it up to the individual to decide.